Ritter Library Centennial Celebration

This week’s blog is a little bit different than what we usually post: There was a transformation, but it wasn’t for furniture. We transformed our window display to show our support for Vermilion’s Ritter Library for their 100th birthday!

There are some interesting facts about Ritter that many don’t know, but we as designers find quite interesting. While the original, Greek revival portion of the building is 100 years old this month, we find fascinating the features of the 2010 addition, which made history in their own way. 

The addition was the very first public library in the state of Ohio to earn a Gold LEED Award, or the highest award given for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design.

Overall, the building may not have many obvious facets that make it environmentally-friendly, but there are hidden gems throughout. Most will notice the rooftop garden and the low-flow sinks and toilets, but did you know that the rooftop itself actually collects the water for flushing toilets, and the rooftop garden helps insulate the building? Efficiency is an overall factor in the design choices made, such as using native plants or relying on natural light throughout. 

The natural light throughout, the interior finishes constructed from recycled content, or the exterior finishes that have been sourced locally, are other examples of how Ritter Library became the first in state to achieve this prestigious award. Watch their  walk through video to see all of the ways their design is changing the world! 

We’re so excited to wish Ritter Library a happy hundred, and to thank them for their contribution to local environment.

We support our local library! Follow them on Facebook!

See more of the library's history, and check out some of the events in this article from the Morning Journal.